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"It's not about you,

it's about the art form,

It's about making music."



I teach Vocal Technic & Interpretation.


I teach Musical Theater: Legit and Contemporary & Opera.

"My goal with each singer is to investigate how to free and liberate the voice by activating the correct anatomic coordination so that your unique and authentic sound is ready to be expressed."



Personal Note


« I Teach because It’s a Vocation and I care to make time to teach between my own study and performances : it’s a healthy combination that works for me. 


Since I started my Musical Theater Trainning in 2005 I have always been passionate about the human voice : how personal emotionally and authentic the sound of each person is different.


At that time I had a « so called » natural voice and through my instinct I saw that I was able to give pieces of advice to colleagues that were asking for some help.

That process attracted me so relevantely that I kept doing this until really giving voice lessons to colleagues and other singers, actors…


Funny as it is, I never was interested in Opera before, and I had these « clichés » about this art from: it’s dusty, the story is too complicated, you never understand a word they are singing,  it’s for an « Élite »… why are they screaming, it’s so long, I’m sleeping…


Well, so how did I end up singing also Opera ???


I was arriving in New York and my previous teachers told me that I shouldn’t waist the gift I was given and at that time I was working already professionally and regularly as a Musical Theater Performer. So it took a while to « start » and try that « voice » as I was going back and forth on the idea !


Well, life is made of « meetings » and being at the right spot at the right moment is also part of the artist path. But it’s also my curiosity about how my voice could grow and develop that turn me on and got me into Opera… about this particular pleasure of singing, this organic usage of an instrument that is whithin us, how powerful emotionally and spiritually thie expression of singing links us all…


I was very lucky to be inspired by many teachers and still am… and I’m still researching and requestionning my knowledge. This text is an hommage to them but also to the art of teaching, transmitting different approaches and technics to free and play the most incredible and powerful instrument : the Human Voice. »




*Please feel free to write me if you have any question and/or if you want to book a lesson with me in the "contact" section !


« As a performing artist and singing teacher i’m always searching to improve my breathing. For the voice, for expression and to move on stage. Breath channel emotions, create sound and support the body. Yoga has been a playground of rediscovery of my body and reconciled me with my spiritual path. This Yoga « bliss » is something I’d like to share and through the practice of yoga help people find their own authentic truth so that they can accomplish their path with love and pleasure. »



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